Terms of Use
Data Transmission, Storage, and Security
version: 1.0 | date: 31.01.2022
It is the customer’s responsibility to provide the information in accordance with the instructions given by Predicell Oy and the customer is also responsible for the accuracy of the information provided.
The customer provides Predicell Oy with the following information for the end customers to be monitored:
- running ID;
- unique customer ID (non-identification);
- device ID (e.g., Withings ID, Polar ID, Emfit ID, etc.);
- sex;
- date of birth;
- underlying diseases (ICD10) and / or functional capacity (ICF code);
- mobility aids;
- the need for assistance;
- start date tracking;
- end date tracking;
- the reason for participation;
- degree of accommodation (alone, couple, etc.);
- type of accommodation (detached house, block of flats, etc.);
- weight;
- length of person;
- information on pets;
- list of medicinal products;
The information collected here is information known at the time of the conclusion of the contract. If other information is collected, it will be identified separately in other documents during the project. In addition to this information provided to Predicell Oy, the customer keeps its own information on the individual customer to whom the information provided to Predicell Oy applies. In addition to this information, Predicell Oy will have access to end-user equipment information collected. Predicell Oy also has the right to analyze the data of the end-user to monitor well-being.
Predicell Oy’s service information is stored in Amazon Web Services (AWS) to the cloud environment. Cloud data is located in the EU/ETA region. It is not possible to identify people based on the data stored.
The information described here is provided only by the appropriate personnel of Predicell Oy and to trusted subcontractors employed by Predicell Oy. At the time of signing, Stonesaw Oy is the only subcontractor.
Predicell Oy personnel and subcontractors have valid non-disclosure agreements, and they are properly instructed in the processing of the data. Customer contacts will have access to the information collected by the end-user from Predicell Oy’s system. The service’s customer contacts cannot be identified end-users to natural persons, but for the sake of clarity, this can be done through the customer’s information.
In addition to producing analyzes, Predicell Oy uses the collected data as research material in the development of the service, for statistical purposes or otherwise, and promoting the effectiveness of data-driven healthcare & wellbeing care paths.
No data collected for these purposes will be included to the individual.